You can do it. we can help. do we do this?

Starting devotions with your family may feel overwhelming. But we've kept it very simple! Just pick a time that works each week for your family. Explain what you are doing and why. Then dive in! The important thing is to be consistent and to be intentional.  Depending on the age of your kids, these times of connection may be brief. But the impact can be profound as God uses even these brief moments to work in their lives and hearts.

Heart Connections

Biblical truth is always understood best through relationships. Parents who have a heart connection with their kids are more likely to influence them spiritually. Let them hear you are proud of them not because of what they accomplish but because of who they are. Let them know and feel that you are for them and not against them. When they know you love them unconditionally regardless of if they succeed or fail then you have established a connection that goes beyond circumstances.

Faith Talks

This is an intentionally scheduled time each week for families to look at God’s Word and discuss what He is showing you. Consistency is key. Create a consistent meeting time and place each week. Keep it sacred because it needs to be. Depending on the age of your kids, these can be brief. It’s amazing to see what God can do in as little as 5 minutes. Not every Faith Talk is going to be a winner. God is still going to use it because you are creating spiritual habits. You may not see change right away but with consistency over time you will.

God moments

Those moments that God gives every parent each day to share their faith with their kids. Deuteronomy 6:7 gives us times to really be seeking those God Moments out. Bedtime, morning time, mealtime, driving our kids around…these are all amazing opportunities to share your faith with your kids in normal everyday circumstances.

Deuteronomy 6:7

You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

Big idea & memory verse

Every month, there is a main truth that we call the big idea. The big idea emphasizes the character of God and WHO God is. We’ll repeat that truth all month long and you can reinforce what your kids are learning at church by repeating the big idea at home. There is also a monthly memory verse for your kids to learn and practice.


Reading God’s Word is a life-long spiritual discipline that transforms our lives. Only through reading scripture can we understand the ways and will of God. Start your time with your kids by reading the passage directly from the Bible. Older kids can follow along in their own Bibles. Pause to explain any unfamiliar words or concepts.


We’ve provided a couple of questions to spark discussion with your kids. But allow your kids to ask questions and see where God takes your family’s conversation! You don’t have to have all the answers. It’s ok to say “I don’t know, but let’s try to find out together.”


Prayer is how we talk to God. When we pray God listens! We’ve provided a simple prayer to help get you started. But as you get comfortable praying with your family, adding personal requests, thankfulness, confession and adoration of God will make your prayer time more meaningful for you and your family.